Curriculum Overview

What are the key aims and values underpinning our curriculum?

At Banks Road Primary School, we believe in providing all children with the very best teaching and learning experience so that our school’s mission statement ‘We can do it!’ becomes a reality.

Underpinned by our school values (Respect, Friendship, Determination, Trust and Positivity), we aim to provide a curriculum that engages, enriches and excites our children as learners, whilst also developing their confidence, curiosity, wellbeing and resilience. We pride ourselves on having happy children who love learning through a variety of mediums and who are prepared to ‘have a go’ at all of the opportunities presented to them.

What principles underpin the delivery of our curriculum?

We firmly believe that our ability to provide our children with a broad, balanced and knowledge rich curriculum, delivered using a themed and topic approach were real-life links between subjects are valued, providing opportunities for deeper learning so that children can achieve their full potential.

Our curriculum fulfils all of the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum 2014, and much more.

We aim to deliver a connected curriculum, which ensures that children make progress throughout their learning journey, making links between and across areas of learning and ultimately between themselves and the world around them.

We ensure that concepts are explored at a deep level and make every effort to give children the language and vocabulary to engage with learning, within the classroom and beyond.

We enrich the curriculum through first-hand experiences such as trips, visits or speakers with the intention of providing knowledge and skills, as well as building aspirations for future life.

How does our curriculum develop the ‘whole child’?

As a school we acknowledge the importance of academic achievements and we want every child to achieve the very best that they are capable of. However, we place importance on the development of the ‘whole child’ and we want to ensure that our children grow as individuals and value their place in our community and in our rapidly changing world.

We promote British Values in all aspects of school life, (Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance). We also ensure that the children are aware of their rights and we promote fairness, empathy and understanding. Through our religious education curriculum, children learn about other religions and how their own faith relates to the world we live in.

Our statutory curriculum is supported by a range of extra-curricular activities, including sport, music, mindfulness and friendship groups, and ‘TT Rockstars’. Our aim is to provide children with opportunities to develop relationships and skills beyond our statutory curriculum.

Within our curriculum and throughout everything we do, we promote our five core values. Our school is a place where children and adults alike are respected and treated fairly.

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Banks Road
Primary School

Banks Road
Garston, Liverpool L19 8JZ

0151 427 4360

Contact Us

Nicola McGee | Office Manager

[email protected]

Alison Seaton | SENCO

[email protected]

Providing a happy, safe, secure and supportive learning environment where all children can achieve their highest potential.