Pupil Premium funding at Banks Road Primary School
In the 2024-25 academic year, Banks Road Primary School will receive £182,040.
This money will be spent to improve education outcomes for our disadvantaged pupils.
At Banks Road, we ensure that we do not treat Pupil Premium eligible pupils as a homogenous group but instead give our disadvantaged pupils a high profile within the school.
To improve achievement and diminish the difference between Pupil Premium and Non-Pupil Premium eligible pupils, we aim to:
- Never confuse eligibility for Pupil Premium with low ability. We recognise that some of our most able pupils are eligible for Pupil Premium.
- Analyse achievement data to track progress and check that interventions (if applicable) are working effectively, making adjustments as necessary.
- Ensure that the allocation and spending of the Pupil Premium is given high priority in terms of staffing.
- Ensure that a senior school leader, linked to a governor, has a clear overview of how the Pupil Premium funding is (and will be) allocated and what difference it is making.
- Ensure that Teachers know which pupils are eligible so they can take responsibility for accelerating their progress.
- Ensure that Teaching Assistants are highly trained and understand their role in helping disadvantaged pupils achieve.
Pupil Premium Champions at Banks Road Primary School
- Pupil Premium Lead – Mr J Savage (Deputy Headteacher)
- Pupil Premium Governor Lead – Dr. T. Crowley